Alexander Armstrong



Best of the Worst

Have I Got News for You (regular guest host)

You Bet! (challenger)


Half of comedy duo Armstrong and Miller who usually appears on his own these days, in japes such as the BBC animal-hating vet sitcom Beast and the toff who advertises Pimms. He is the nearly man of Have I Got News for You, reputedly verbally offered the chairman role post-Angus only to have it snatched away again, leaving the morsels of semi-regular guestdom instead.


Before he was famous, he and comedy partner Ben Miller took part in a challenge during the Matthew Kelly years of You Bet!, where the two of them alongside My Parents Are Aliens Tony Gardner each took several roles in the same play, and had to speed dress whilst off stage so that they could come back as the relevant character without missing a beat. They succeeded!

Web links

Wikipedia entry

IMDB entry


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