A Question of Taste



Kirsty Wark


William Sitwell


Silver River for BBC Two, 2 January 2012 -


The pre-publicity blurb claims this "puts the quiz into cuisine". It's a "food quiz for foodies that don't just know their onions, but grow and pickle them as well; for whom knowing the difference between Tahitian and Madagascan vanilla really matters; and for whom perfecting a red wine reduction is a way of life."

Teams of three play five rounds: See Food, TV Dinners, Smorgasbord, Food Clues and Gastroknowledge. William Sitwell is in Kitchen Corner, and we're told he'll provide "fascinating foodie facts" through the show.

See also

Questions of Taste, a 1980s panel game on Radio 4.

This programme has not yet aired. A full review will appear here after broadcast.Cateogry:Current


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