Cook Me the Money


Adam Shaw


ITV Studios for ITV, 1 April 2013 to present


"The show is essentially a cook-off between three couples with a passion for cooking who want to demonstrate their skills and in the process could win a cash prize. Each couple will be given the opportunity to create the perfect food pitch and compete against the other two couples for the chance of winning a grand prize. They’ll have to source the ingredients, pitch up and cook their chosen dish and desert to members of the public. The couple that sells the most wins. They don’t need to be top-notch chefs but experience and a love for cooking and food wouldn’t go a miss."

That's the contestant call for what seems to be a cooking-and-selling show. Three teams of cooks come up with a dish of their choice, which they will have to make in an hour, then set a price on it and sell how many they think they'll sell.

This programme has not yet aired. A full review will appear here after broadcast.


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