Cilla Black



Blind Date

The Moment of Truth

Never Mind the Buzzcocks (guest host)

Soapstar Superstar (judge)

A Song for Europe


Still one of the most popular women in television, and consequently the best paid, Cilla was the kindly aunt to the nation, bringing good cheer on shows such as Surprise, Surprise and Blind Date.

Her roots lay in music, where in the 60's she was managed by Brian Epstein and very much a part of the whole Beatles scene. She served as a cloakroom attendant at the Cavern Club.

The Moment of Truth showed that, when she wants to, Cilla can play with a straight bat where the situation requires.


Her late husband, Bobby Willis, was also her manager.

Her 17 and a half years at the helm of Blind Date made her the longest-serving female game show host in British TV history.

Books / Tapes

Cilla Black: Bobby's Girl by Douglas Thompson

Web links

Official website

Internet Movie Database entry

Wikipedia entry


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