Portrait Artist of the Year



Frank Skinner and Joan Bakewell


Judges: Kathleen Soriano, Tai-Shan Schierenberg, Kate Bryan


Sky Arts, 5 November 2013 to 23 December 2014 (14 episodes in 2 series)

as Landscape Artist of the Year, 6 October 2015 to present


In the latest union of high and low culture, art critic Joan Bakewell and football fan Frank Skinner combine forces to find the best portrait painter in the country. The prize is £10,000, and a commission to paint the author Hilary Mantel for permanent display in the British Library.

Heats took place in a travelling marquee, with competitors depicting various celebrities who could sit still for four hours. The best artist in each heat went to Paris for mentoring, before producing a piece for the final.

Web links

Official site (Portrait Artist of the Year)

Official site (Landscape Artist of the Year)


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