The Fear



Matthew Giffen


Studio Lambert (an All3Media company) for BBC Three, 19 October 2015 to present


A series seeking the UK's scariest amateur horror short film. And by "short", they mean "2 - 4 minutes".

A BBC press release said:

The judges in the first stage are the audience, who are seated in a special cinema so we can see every jump, scream and "oh [..] why is she going down into the basement!?"
The top three films from this first round will then be shown to a world-renowned director, who will select the winner. The winner will then be given the resources to make a 30-minute horror film. Matthew Giffen controls the whole show from the projector room and takes us through the whole competition with wit, charm and just a small dose of creepiness!

This programme has not yet aired. A full review will appear here after broadcast.

Web links

BBC web page


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