David Dickinson

Image:David dickinson small portrait.jpg



Bargain Hunt

Dealing with Dickinson

Dickinson's Real Deal

I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! (participant, series 5)

Strictly Come Dancing (participant, series 1)


Manchester-born antiques dealer "discovered" by Richard & Judy, due to a vague resemblance to Ian McShane in Lovejoy. Renowned for his trademark skin hue (Seville Sunset: Pantone 1489) and his catchphrases "Cheap as chips" and "A piece of old tat". He and his wife Lorne escaped the 2005 New Year Tsunami after a 15m wave hit their beach on the Malaysian island of Langkawi.


Gained the nickname "The Duke" from a Bargain Hunt viewer who wrote in, suggesting he looked a bit like John Wayne. Hmmm... can't really se it, ourselves.

Went out second in Strictly Come Dancing, series 1.

Achieved cult fame by appearing on Radio 1 thanks to a remix of the Bargain Hunt theme tune.

David investigated his family tree for a 2006 edition of the genealogical programme Who Do You Think You Are?. Although David was adopted at a young age, it turned out that his birth mother was descended from a successful trading family. Ooooh, spookeh.

The portrait you see at the top of this page was Dickinson's favourite of three painted of him on the BBC art show Star Portraits. The original still has pride of place in his home (it was clearly visible in the background in both Dealing With Dickinson and Who Do You Think You Are?). The artist is Andrew James. You can see the others here.

Books / Tapes

The Duke (autobiography): Paperback | Hardback | Cassette | CD

The Antiques Buyer (paperback)


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