Dave Spikey




Celebrity Mastermind (two appearances, one of them a victory)

Chain Letters

8 Out of 10 Cats (team captain)

When Will I be Famous? (judge)

Whoops TV (team captain)


Comedian based in Chorley, near Bolton, who spent 20 years thinking about entering showbiz before actually doing so. He built up a working friendship with fellow Boltonian Peter Kay on That Peter Kay Thing leading onto his finest hour as Jerry "The Saint" Sinclair on Phoenix Nights. After co-writing much of the material mocking Bullseye on a Peter Kay tour, he ended up hosting a revived version of the show himself.


He once got trapped by the rotating Chain Letters revolving sign.

He has appeared twice on Celebrity Mastermind: he won his match the first time, answering questions on human blood, which was a good subject for him, since he used to work in haematology. However, he did not win on the second occasion, which was the 2009 Comic Relief Special.

Entered Central TV's New Faces as 50% of a duo called Intaglio (a reversed cameo, if you must know).

Web links

Official site

IMDb entry

Wikipedia entry


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