Dining Stars



Voiceover: Fay Ripley


Critic: Michael Winner


12 Yard and Hat Trick with Michael Winner Productions for ITV1, 26 February 2010 -


Calm down dear, it's only a daytime show bumped up to primetime. Michael Winner visits two amateur cooks homes each week for a dinner party, and reviews the experience - food, service, guests, ambience etc - just as if he was in a high-class restaurant. After his visits, he invites the cooks to find out his opinion of their dinner party in a face-to-face review. Following this, he tells the cooks whether he has decided to award them one of his Dining Stars. These are awards shaped like one, two, or three stars, to indicate Michael Winner's overall opinion of the dinner party. Those who do not receive a Dining Star leave the competition, while those who receive an award, go forward for the chance to cook for Michael Winner, and celebrity guests at an end of series dinner party staged by Michael Winner himself.

This programme has not yet aired. A full review will appear here after broadcast.


Not shown on STV, who preferred to fill the slot with another ITV show they had previously rejected, Amanda Holden's Fantasy Lives.


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