Fred MacAulay




The Best Show in the World... Probably (team captain)

Bring Me the Head of Light Entertainment (team captain)

Caledonia MacBrains (team captain)

Celebrity Masterchef (participant)

Comic Relief Does Fame Academy (participant)

A Game of Two Halves (team captain)

I Guess That's Why They Call It the News

I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue (panellist)

Keep It in the Family (2)

The News Quiz (panellist)

Now You See It

Scots on the Box

Your Country Needs You! (team captain)


Scottish funnyman and radio host who turned to stand-up after finding a career in accountancy a bit boring (and who can blame him?). One of his early breaks was doing the studio warm-up for Have I Got News for You and he's hosted the weekday mid-morning show on BBC Radio Scotland since 1997.


He served as Rector of the University of Dundee (his alma mater) from 2001 to 2004, beating Richard Whiteley in the election. His immediate predecessor in the post was Tony Slattery and his successor was Lorraine Kelly.

For Sport Relief 2010, MacAulay and former Deacon Blue drummer turned host of everything on BBC Scotland, Dougie Vipond, rowed the Caledonian Canal from end to end (well, nearly - they had to walk a couple of bits because it froze over) in a two-man kayak named, somewhat to Vipond's chagrin, Dignity.


Troika Talent, 3rd Floor, 74 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1M 5QA

Web links

Official site

Fred MacAulay page at Troika Talent

Wikipedia entry


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