Chris Howland
Although British, Chris Howland was much better known in his adopted home of Germany, where he started out in 1948, aged 20, as a DJ on British Forces Network Radio in Hamburg. In the 1960s he was one of the top stars in Germany, with his own radio show, hit records, roles in over 20 German-language films and compering major TV shows including Musik aus Studio B and Vorsicht Kamera (the local version of Candid Camera).
He enjoyed a radio career lasting over 50 years and wrote several books including one on German humour.
He died on 29 November 2013 at the age of 85.
His self-given nickname is "Mr. Pumpernickel", which he invented as a joke name to try to make his studio technician laugh.
Yes, Sir!: Aus dem Blickwinkel eines englischen Gastarbeiters (paperback) - autobiography, only available in German
Web links
A biography of "Mr. Pumpernickel"