Let's Make a Love Scene



Ellie Taylor


Initmacy consultant: Rufai Ajala

Acting coach: Emma Crompton


Talkback for Channel 4, 13 May 2022


The dating show that asks the question: can a single person find love by faking it in re-creations of sexy movie scenes? And 42 minutes plus ad breaks later, answers it: no. One picker re-creates movie love scenes with three pickees, and at the end chooses the one they felt the most chemistry with. They go on a date, a caption tells us they split up, roll credits.

Rehearsing a bedroom scene with intimacy consultant Rufai and acting coach Emma looking on

Which is not to say that the programme isn't entertaining, at least in parts. The makers know we're all much more aware of the issues around intimacy on set these days, and accordingly devote a lot of time to demonstrating how such issues are dealt with. This how-do-they-do-it element of the show is actually quite interesting, more so than the matchmaking element, which sadly makes the completed scenes themselves (and the choosing of a winner) something of an anti-climax.


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