Computer Challenge



Brian J. Ford


BBC1 Wales, 7 October 1986 to 14 April 1987 (27 episodes in 2 series)


Each week two teams, one of business people, the other of students, competed in a hi-tech (for 1986) business simulation game. At the end of the series there was a students' semi-final and an executives' semi, with the winners meeting in the grand final.

We've not seen a full episode, just clips on Tudur's TV Flashback. Each team started with £50,000 of imaginary money. They could invest in stocks and shares, or more directly in industry. Later in the game, dirty tricks were available to scupper the opposition.

One (or both) of the series offered a very good prize - a return trip to New York on Concorde.

"The world's first computer-based game show", according to publicity, beating BBC daytime's Domesday Detectives by a couple of months, and Box Clever by a few weeks. Players controlled their on-screen pointer with a rollerball, as was usual at the time.

Web links

Host Brian J. Ford's Computer Challenge page


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