Midsummer Music

Revision as of 12:00, 22 December 2009



Steve Race and June Marlow


Associated-Rediffusion for ITV, Midsummer Music 28 June to 16 August 1960 (7 episodes); Midwinter Music 6 January to 24 February 1961 (7 episodes)


Children's music quiz. Four children took part in each programme, two boys and two girls, and it seems it was essentially a straight question-and-answer quiz. Both hosts were equipped with miniature reed organs for playing tunes to be identified, and a choir from the Lycee Francais in London was also on hand to help out. Each week's winner got a "diploma" and the top four scorers from the series came back for the final with a championship shield up for grabs.


The set was made to resemble a seaside hotel, for some reason.


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