When Will I be Famous?



Graham Norton


Not known


BBC 1, 2007


Old skool talent show, knocked up by the Beeb to spoiler a similar ITV/Simon Cowell format supposedly in the works.

Each week, different acts put their skills to the vote with the winner taking home a cash prize of £10,000. Illusionists, contortionists, dancers, cabaret artists and comedy acts all compete in a series of head-to-head challenges. A panel of three celebrity judges pass comment on the acts – which range from seasoned variety professionals to complete novices.

In 1985's The Fame Game, 1000 families could use telephone lines to vote for which performers they wanted to boot off the screen. 22 years later, with a wealth of new telecommunications at our disposal, a mere 101 home viewers can do the same thing. And they call this progress?

This programme has not yet aired. A full review will appear here after broadcast.


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