Caroline Feraday





The Mint

Talking Telephone Numbers (voiceover)


Probably the model example of a London media-type, Caroline Feraday first came to public attention as traffic reporter and entertainment news anchor for BBC Radio Five Live. Beforehand, she worked for Capital FM alongside Chris Tarrant and Neil Fox. She is most famous for her, erm, "stormy" relationship with Frank Skinner. But other than that, she was involved in the short-lived regional comedy quiz, Consequently for Carlton and presented The Mint, mostly for the ITV Play channel. She resigned from the programme one week before the end of its run. Up until December 2006, she presented her own Friday night show on LBC Radio. Currently, she's a reporter for the regional news programme BBC South East Today and an announcer for Living TV.


Caroline is a Conservative Party member, as anyone who has seen her appearance on the now-infamous Webcameron podcasts can tell you.

Appeared in an celebrity episode of The Weakest Link. Woman's Own said: "She's the girl who dared to take on Anne Robinson and Anne lost the battle of wits", apparently.

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Wikipedia entry


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