Simon Mayo



Confessions (devisor and host)


Winning Lines


Mayo continues a family line of media workers, as his mother was the manager of a radio studio. He studied history and politics at university. Via Radio Nottingham, he landed a job at Radio 1 in 1986. His popular Confessions feature, where listeners wrote in to confess to naughty past deeds, was turned into a successful - if controversial - BBC1 format. He has an interest in religion, and has written a book and hosted a series taking a comical look at the world of cults, beliefs and factions.


He once worked as a car park attendant before landing his first job in local radio.

Books / Tapes

Bible Dayze

Simon Mayo's Confessions (audio cassette)


PBJ Management, 7 Soho Street, London W1D 3DQ

Web links

PBJ Management page

IMDb entry


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