


Jake Humphrey (non-broadcast pilot)

Shane Richie


Commentator: Ken Bruce


Objective Productions for BBC One, 11 January - 29 March 2014 (7 episodes in 1 series)


Putting the "B" into bang, putting the "go" into go-getter, Shane Richie hosts a show with the fastest reaction times in the world.

Two teams of three family members compete in five rounds that test speed and reactions. We'll see people falling through eight-foot balloons, diving through glass panels, and picking the one yellow can from a pyramid.

One can to win.

Objective Productions have learned from many series of The Cube, and have managed to come up with a style that takes these very slight games and turns them into proper television spectacles. Reflex has a slow-motion style, with time slowed down and rewound to bring out the spectacle. It also has a commentary style, Ken Bruce straddling "wry" and "silly", and too often ending up on the silly side.

The second half is the same on every show: the winning family is determined by a button pushing quiz - players are to push when they see something on the screen when the time reaches 2pm, or they see a dog without sunglasses. The winning family nominates a member to stand on a podium and hit green balls and avoid red ones fired at them. And the anti-climactic ending when they decline to gamble against one final ball.

Shane Richie stands on set.

Theme music

Nick Foster and Ken Bolam


Public reaction to Reflex was unanimous: they turned it off. Viewing figures fell away from 3.5 million to barely a million, the show was regularly taken off for Six Nations rugby. The final episode went out in a very early Saturday evening slot - if one can call 3.45 in the afternoon "early evening".

Web links

Official site

Wikipedia entry

See also

Weaver's Week review


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