Danny Baker




Carry On Campus (co-devisor)

Comic Relief Does The Apprentice (participant)

Pets Win Prizes

Shooting Stars (pilot show - team captain)

Sitcom Showdown

Win, Lose or Draw


Through-and-through cockney, who can talk off the whole donkey, never mind the back legs.

Much of his output, particularly his radio shows, are based on anecdotes from the public, about topics as diverse and as trivial as "Serving Suggestions" on packets and finding "Tall Old People".

His motor-mouth style has found favour with perking up the game shows Win, Lose or Draw and later Pets Win Prizes, which were never the same after other presenters took over in both cases.


Refusing to kowtow to radio play-lists, he brings in his own CDs to play on his programmes.

He once played football with Bob Marley and has claimed in the past that he caused the injury that triggered the cancer that Marley would die from a few years later. That's the sort of thing we'd probably keep under our hat, if it was us.

Books / Tapes

Danny Baker's Fabulous World of Freak Football (video)

Danny Baker's Right Hammerings (video)

Sniffin' Glue


c/o Noel Gay Management, 19 Denmark Street, London, W2CH 8NA

Web links

Noel Gay Management page

The Danny Baker Show web page

Internet Movie Database entry

Wikipedia entry


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